

Iringa is a large city on the southern highlands of Tanzania. It is located on a hill and offers many panoramic spots on the valley below.


The city is a perfect occasion to meet other cooperants and volonteers who are working in the region and going to the city over the week end.


COPE is an medical association base in Catania active for example in Nyololo and Songea.


CUAMM is a medical association based in Padova working with african countries. In Iringa CUAMM runs a hospital in the Tosamaganga mission.


Many volonteers are working in schools, orphanages, social business...


The church we have visited has a mission were a school teaches young girls some practical skills they may profit to increase their income. The school provides courses about cooking, tayloring... This part of the country is strangely rich in orthodox curches because many Greeks were working during the british occupation in tobacco fields.


Iringa has three important university that offer exchange programs with students around the world (primarly with u.s.). Many foreigner researchers work or visit the university during their stay in the country.

night life

Iringa has a typical student's night life with some clubs in the center where the behavoiur and the dress code of the people is completely different from the other southern cities and villages we have visited. The clubs play most of the time a local dance music called bongo flavour that has a simple and involving rythm and base line. The connection with the locals is in this city much easier and it is common to spend lovely chats about different activities.
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