
A collection of free programs


The following scripts can be freely used, modified and/or redistributed:

Name Description Page License Author
Refresh-pubring refresh your GnuPG public keyring in a piecewise fashion HTML Expat Francesco Poli
Decay-o-meter estimate when a value will (linearly or exponentially) decay (or grow) to a given target HTML Expat Francesco Poli
IE2G convert Internet Explorer favorites into Galeon bookmarks HTML GPLv2+ Francesco Poli
Hook scripts for pdebuild perform quality assurance tests from a pdebuild environment HTML Expat Francesco Poli


The following application programs can be freely used, modified and/or redistributed:

Name Description Page License Author
markonvert convert between different Fortran unformatted data file formats HTML GPLv2 Francesco Poli

This work is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. It comes with absolutely no warranty. See the license text for details.