
Auto circolazione indipendente
(Do it Yourself Musicians Running)

We want to create a network out from the scene.
Not a sound, but an attitude.
Increase contact and exchange, directely with who play music.

Self-production's target is to make music run around!

The experience of the autoproduzione concentrates its efforts essentially in the circulation of music outside of the circuits trades them. The ACI moves in order to make run who makes music.

We believe in the passion of who play, in the free expression, the possibility to organize the expression without submit to who on music want to make business. Free beer for the band, hospitality, engagement and quality of the initiatives.

We support the bands that come from outside in expenses but we dont want to give something like do it yourself fee.

We dont like the star system, neither in large neither in small. We believe in the participation of all, outside from every role, in order to share to the maximum the specificities of the experiences. We believe in the exchange, the encounter and the sharing of knowledge and emotions, above all between who it lives far and various but at the same time common truths and parallels.

Music is air in motion.

(sorry for our english... :-))

If you want to propose a band, an artist, a performer to play at ZK, please use this form.
We want to create a database of bands-artist to diffuse music out from the business!

italian version

da/from   email  
gruppo/artista   genere  
