--------------- OVERVIEW ------------------- Collection of utilities based on two basics classes: Matematica and VarData. Matematica) performs math operations on vectors and matrices for smoothing, interpolation, convolution, image processing... VarData) manipulate a structure of points connected by links. Addraw) openGL engine. ElPoly) analyze mechanical properties of polymer and membrane like structures. Addyn) perform molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations and has a solver for 4th oder PDE. Avvis) perform all the operation of Matematica on different sets of data visualized on a Qt graphical interface. DrImage) image manipulation on the Matematica filters. The program is intended to use as less as possible external libs (optional: openGL, gsl, fftw, cgal, png, tiff, boost, MPI, Qt...). --------------- INSTALL -------------------- Edit the file /include/MakeInclude.mk to set the flags Type make