############################################################################# ## INTEGRATION / STATISTICAL ENSEMBLE ############################################################################# # Select which ensemble should be used for the simulation. The default value # is the canonical "NVT" ensemble. Possible other choices are "NPT" for the # standard isobaric ensemble, "NPtT" for the constant lateral pressure # ensemble with isotropic fluctuations of the area, and "NPtT2" for the same # ensemble with anisotropic area fluctuations. # integrator { ensemble = "NVT" # valid ensembles: NVT, NPT, NPtT, NPtT2 Q = 0.0001 # Mass of the artificial degree of freedom gamma = 0.1 # The friction coefficient P0 = 0 # The desired pressure } # There are two different thermostats implemented: DPD and Langevin. # tgamma specifies the friction constant of the thermostat. main { seed = 0 # General random number generator seed for DPD total_time = 500.0 # The total duration of the simulation thermostat = "DPD" # valid types: DPD, Langevin, TDPD gamma = 0.5 # DPD / Langevin friction coefficient gamma_p = 0.0 # Transversal DPD (TDPD) friction coefficient dt = 0.005 # Integration time step rs = 0.07 # shell radius, must be 0 if ensemble != NVT bilayer_normal = 0 # direction of normal vector to the bilayer } ############################################################################# ## FINETUNING OF THE THERMOSTAT ## Note: the desired thermostat must be selected above! ############################################################################# # It is possible to specify the friction coefficients of each species in each # direction (x/y/z) individually when using the Langevin thermostat. If the # following lines are uncommented, then these settings override the gamma # parameter specified above. #langevin #{ # gamma_x = { 0.5, 0.5 } # x-direction for species A, B # gamma_y = { 0.5, 0.5 } # y-direction for species A, B # gamma_z = { 0.5, 0.5 } # z-direction for species A, B #} # It is also possible to specify the DPD friction coefficients for each # pairwise interaction individually. For two species the order is A-A, # A-B/B-A, and B-B. For three species it is: A-A, A-B/B-A, A-C/C-A, # B-B, B-C/C-B, C-C. If uncommented, these settings override the gamma # parameter specified above. #dpd #{ # gamma = {0.1, 0.2, 0.3} #} # Finally, the TDPD parameters can be specified as well. The only # difference to the DPD settings is, that there are now the longitudinal # (gamma) and the transverse settings (gamma_p). If uncommented, these # settings override the gamma and the gamma_p parameters specified above. #tdpd #{ # gamma = {0.1, 0.2, 0.3} # gamma_p = {0.1, 0.2, 0.3} #} ############################################################################# ## REGULAR TASKS ############################################################################# # measurements of pressure, etc. task measure { dt = 2.0 } # Dump VTF file for visualization with VMD #task vmd #{ # dt = 5.0 # filename = "dump.vtf" #} # Save the current state of the system task save_beads { dt = 50.0 filename = "output%09lu.dat" snapshots = 1000 bufsize = 16777216 } # measure intermediate structure function (isf) #task measure_isf #{ # dt = 0.02 # filename = "resume-isf.dat" # bufsize = 16777216 #} # save backup copy of isf data #task save_isf #{ # dt = 50.0 # filename = "output%09lu-isf.dat" #} # measurement of the stress tensor's autocorrelation function #task stress_autocorr #{ # dt = 0.005 # filename = "stress_autocorr.dat" #} # Apply shear stress with the Müller-Plathe method #task rnemd #{ # dt = 5.0 #} # overwrite the Tension*.dat files #task TensSave #{ # dt = 5 #} #task TensMeasure #{ # dt = 0.5 #} # perform SGCMC move #task mdpd_sg_move #{ # dt = 0.02 #} ############################################################################# ## HEINZ/HUENENBERGER PAIR LIST CREATOR ############################################################################# nblist { dx = 0.45 # Size of the microscopic boxes of HH-algorithm K = 20 # max number of beads per microscopic box } ############################################################################# ## OTHER QUANTITIES ############################################################################# # in-situ calculation of dynamical quantities #isf #{ # n = 4 # degree of cardinal b-splines # com = 1 # enable com dynamics # dump_current = 0 # write all data to disk (heavy I/O!) #} ############################################################################# ## MUELLER-PLATHE METHOD TO CALCULATE SHEAR VISCOSITY ############################################################################# #rnemd #{ # slabs = 20 # number of slabs # swaps = 1 # number of swaps per sweep # gradient = 1 # dimension of velocity gradient # velocity = 2 # dimension of velocity direction #} ############################################################################## ## Definition for the stress tensor profile ############################################################################## #Tens #{ # NSlab = 200 # binning # NSlab3d = 30 # binning 3d # NComp = 6 # number of components # NAverage = 60 # number of separated time step to average # CalcMode = no # type of summation [line,tilt,3d,2d,2dloop] #} ############################################################################# ## Widom insertion of lipids ############################################################################## #Widom #{ # NStep = 10 # CalcMode = no # ChemPot = -40. #} ############################################################################# ### Calculation of the radial slab diffusivity ############################################################################### #Diff #{ # NBin = 10 # NStep = 100 # #} ############################################################################## ## SGCMC Moves ############################################################################## #mdpd_sg #{ # str = {"0000000000001111", "0000000011111111"} # architecture # fugacity = {1, 1} # fugacity #}