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In another document (HTML, reST) you saw some things to tweak on our example Debian testing workstation/desktop box, right after its installation. Now that the new system is up-to-date and reasonably hardened, you can customize it in order to fit your needs. If your tastes for the console environment are similar to mine, go on reading...
The default shell in a Debian system is GNU Bash. Let's customize the shell environment for root and for the regular user, as well.
First of all, a useful extension is the following package:
# aptitude install bash-completion
For the root user, edit /root/.bashrc. Add the following lines:
# store 1000 commands in history, but don't put duplicate lines export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups export HISTSIZE=1000 export HISTFILESIZE=1000 # append to the history file, don't overwrite it shopt -s histappend
Modify the prompt line so that it looks like:
export PS1='\[\e[1m\]\u@\h \W \$ \[\e[0m\]'
and uncomment the lines that set safer aliases for potentially dangerous commands:
alias rm='rm -i' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i'
Finally add the following lines:
# set editor for fc builtin export FCEDIT="vim"
For the regular user, edit ~/.bashrc. Change the history configuration into:
# store 1000 commands in history, but don't put duplicate lines export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups export HISTSIZE=1000 export HISTFILESIZE=1000 # append to the history file, don't overwrite it shopt -s histappend
Change the prompt settings into comments and set the following prompt:
# set a fancy prompt export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot) }\[\e[1m\]\u@\h \W \$ \[\e[0m\]'
If, like me, you do not like ls coloring, change the line:
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
into a comment:
#alias ls='ls --color=auto'
Finally add the following lines:
# set editor for fc builtin export FCEDIT="vim"
First of all, if it is not already installed, install a pager which is slightly more comfortable than more:
# aptitude install less
You can add the following two lines to your regular user's ~/.bashrc (and even to root's one), in order to get more data in the status line of less:
$ tail -2 ~/.bashrc # default options for less export LESS="-M"
Then, install a less minimalist VIM variant:
# aptitude install vim
and a useful plugin:
# aptitude install vim-vimoutliner
You can set up a good configuration file for VIM:
$ cat ~/.vimrc " Use Vim defaults set nocompatible " Trust no one... set secure " set UTF-8 encoding set encoding=utf-8 " Load plugin files for specific file types filetype plugin on " Syntax highlighting set background=dark syntax on " Normally I want 8 spaces instead of a TAB " (but an actual TAB may be obtained with CTRL+v,TAB) set expandtab " Indentation preferences (mainly for C and the like) set autoindent autocmd BufEnter *.c,*.h,*.cpp,*.hpp :set cindent autocmd BufLeave *.c,*.h,*.cpp,*.hpp :set nocindent set sw=4 set cino=n-2,{2,t0,+4,(0 " Highlight searched items set hlsearch " Indent when pasting by default " (but <F11> toggles auto-indentation for pastes) set nopaste set pastetoggle=<F11> " Enable mouse and have fun! set mouse=a :nmap <LocalLeader>p i<S-MiddleMouse><ESC> :imap <S-Insert> <S-MiddleMouse> :cmap <S-Insert> <S-MiddleMouse> :map <MouseMiddle> <esc>"*p " Speedup long file processing autocmd BufEnter * :syntax sync minlines=100 " Do *not* autowrap text! autocmd BufEnter * :set fo-=tc " Set shell-like tab completion set wildmode=longest,list:longest,list:full
The above quoted .vimrc can be used for your regular user and for root, as well.
If you want to enable the vimoutliner plugin for your regular user, issue the following command:
$ vim-addons install vimoutliner
You should also tweak its configuration:
$ cat ~/.vimoutlinerrc let g:vo_modules_load = "checkbox" if !exists("otl_autocmds_loaded") let otl_autocmds_loaded = 1 autocmd BufWinEnter *.otl :set foldlevel=0 autocmd BufUnload *.otl :silent !savelog -q -n -p -c 8 <afile> autocmd BufUnload *.otl :silent !cp -af <afile>.0 <afile> endif
In order to enhance the markdown syntax highlighting support, until bug #885936 is fixed, you may want to add the following configuration tweak for your regular user:
$ cat ~/.vim/after/syntax/markdown.vim unlet! b:current_syntax syn include @tex syntax/tex.vim syn region inlmath start="\\\@<!\$ \@!" end=" \@<!\$" skip="\\\$" keepend contains=@tex syn region dismath start="\\\@<!\$\$" end="\$\$" keepend contains=@tex unlet! b:current_syntax syn include @yamlTop syntax/yaml.vim syn region yamlmetadata start="\%^---$\|^\s*\_^---$" end="^---$\|^\.\.\.$" keepend contains=@yamlTop let b:current_syntax = "markdown"
Obviously, you want VIM to be the system-wide default text editor! Consequently, issue the following the command:
# update-alternatives --config editor There are 3 choices for the alternative editor (providing /usr/bin/editor). Selection Path Priority Status ------------------------------------------------------------ * 0 /bin/nano 40 auto mode 1 /bin/nano 40 manual mode 2 /usr/bin/vim.basic 30 manual mode 3 /usr/bin/vim.tiny 10 manual mode Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:
and enter "2" to select /usr/bin/vim.basic as default editor. Please note that, in case a regular user needed a different default editor, he/she can always add the following two lines to his/her own ~/.bashrc:
export EDITOR=preferrededitor alias editor=$EDITOR
where preferrededitor should be substituted with his/her editor of choice.
Obviously, you want VIM to be your regular user's selected editor, when invoking sensible-editor (from package sensible-utils):
$ select-editor Select an editor. To change later, run 'select-editor'. 1. /usr/bin/vim.gtk3 2. /bin/nano <---- easiest 3. /usr/bin/vim.basic 4. /usr/bin/vim.tiny Choose 1-4 [2]: 1 $ cat ~/.selected_editor # Generated by /usr/bin/select-editor SELECTED_EDITOR="/usr/bin/vim.gtk3"
Please note that, in case you're not familiar at all with VIM, and you want to start learning how to use it, you may issue the following command:
$ vimtutor
and read through the nice interactive tutorial.
Install a nice command to visualize directory subtrees:
# aptitude install tree
Also, install a little program to check the freeness of your system:
# aptitude install check-dfsg-status
Then, install a useful command scheduler:
# aptitude install at
Sometimes you need to measure CPU time used by a command; the following is a feature richer replacement for the corresponding GNU Bash builtin:
# aptitude install time
Just in case you come into contact with non-UTF-8 filenames:
# aptitude install convmv
A powerful command to mass-rename files:
# aptitude install rename
If it was already installed, mark it as manually installed:
# aptitude unmarkauto rename
A tool to monitor hardware health:
# aptitude install lm-sensors
In order to access more sensors, load the following kernel module:
# modprobe nct6775
In order to have this module automatically loaded at boot, create the following file:
# echo nct6775 > /etc/modules-load.d/lm-sensors_local.conf
Another tool that could be useful to get information about the CPU of the workstation is:
# aptitude install cpuid
Also, install a useful approximate GREP utility:
# aptitude install tre-agrep
Then, install a helper tool for locales:
# aptitude install localehelper
and a calendar display program:
# aptitude install ncal
Install a useful command-line online dictionary client:
# aptitude install dict
Moreover, install a spell checker:
# aptitude install ispell
Then install some other appropriate dictionaries:
# aptitude install iamerican ibritish iitalian ingerman
Finally, install some wordlists (that should be already installed for cracklib):
# aptitude install wamerican wbritish witalian wngerman
Install some useful text interface calculators:
# aptitude install dc calc
and a unit converter:
# aptitude install units
Install the well-known fortune program, which displays epigrams on demand (it may be useful when you feel a bit sad or bored...):
# aptitude install fortunes
With this, you have the basic fortune cookie database. Install some additional collections:
# aptitude install fortunes-bofh-excuses fortunes-debian-hints
You can also install some non-english fortune collections:
# aptitude install fortunes-it
and even offensive fortunes:
# aptitude install fortunes-it-off
Some documents which is good having always handy:
# aptitude install doc-debian
Install the following word-by-word text file comparison tool:
# aptitude install wdiff
and the following new line delimiter conversion tools:
# aptitude install tofrodos
Moreover, you may want to install the following in-depth file/archive/directory comparison tool:
# aptitude --without-recommends install diffoscope python3-tlsh+M
Install the following multi-format archive extraction tool:
# aptitude install unar
Make sure the following packages are installed:
# aptitude install console-setup kbd
If they were already there, you can mark them as manually installed:
# aptitude unmarkauto console-setup kbd
Then configure the console:
# dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
You'll be asked to select the encoding to use on the console: choose "UTF-8". Then choose "Latin1 and Latin5" as character set to support, "VGA" as font for the console, and "8x16" as font size.
Finally, configure the keyboard:
# dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
Choose "Generic 104-key PC" as keyboard model, "English (US) - English (US, euro on 5)" as keyboard layout, "The default for the keyboard layout" as AltGr key, and "Menu key" as compose key; answer "No", if asked whether Control+Alt+Backspace should terminate the X server.
If you want to make these settings immediately active (without having to reboot the system), you can issue the following command on the console:
# setupcon
Install the following package:
# aptitude install toilet
Prepare a little script to customize the banner that is shown when a user logs in to the console:
$ mkdir -p ~/bin $ cat ~/bin/ #!/bin/sh center() { sed -e 's/^ *// ; s/ *$// ; :loop s/^.\{1,78\}$/ & / ; t loop ; s/ *$//' } NUMBER_OF_DASHES=76 echo SEQ_DASHES=`seq $NUMBER_OF_DASHES` DASHES=`for N in $SEQ_DASHES ; do echo -n - ; done` echo $DASHES | center echo MYHOSTNAME=`hostname` echo $MYHOSTNAME | toilet -f future | center echo echo "Welcome to $MYHOSTNAME" | center echo "Debian GNU/Linux" | center echo echo $DASHES | center echo
and set proper permissions:
$ chmod u+x ~/bin/
You can use this script to create a customized MOTD:
$ > /tmp/motd
If you are satisfied with the result, you can use it as /etc/motd:
# cat /tmp/motd > /etc/motd
If you need to connect to a serial console through a serial null-modem cable, you may want to install the following package:
# aptitude install picocom
The users that need to connect to a serial console have to be added to the dialout group:
# adduser $USER dialout
where $USER should be substituted with the actual username.
If you need to handle sockets and the like, you may want to install the following package:
# aptitude install socat
Install an INI-style configuration file parser:
# aptitude install confget
Now the system has a reasonably comfortable console. Next step is configuring the desktop environment. More details in a separate document (HTML, reST).