Lupingu is a pretty fisherman village on the coast of the lake Nyasa. |
In Lupingu there is an old german monastry where nowadays a single really friendly priest is living. The parokia is composed by 16 stations spread over a huge territory. To follow the cathechists and to give the messes P. Tobias needs sometimes to take the boat, sometimes the car, sometimes walking.
Experiencing the peace and the atmosphere of this place it really seemed to be doing a pilgrim.
delta The village lies on a delta of a river. The valley behind the village is pretty broad compared to the rest of the coast. There is a large space for the cultivation but most of the activities are connected with fishing. The harshness of the territory makes really difficult the trade of fish in the inner land. |
fishing, football, cooking...
People were always really kind. I've been fishing with the fishermen, carrying sacks, cooking chapati and ugali, playing football with the kids (it seems that Italy has kind of bad luck in Africa).
After a day I already felt a part of the community.
Discussing with the priest I was a bit surprise that even in such a wonderful place the people aging between 15-35 were pretty materilistic, most of them soon or later (5-15 min) were asking for money or inventig some daily jobs for earning money from me.
Sometimes traveling I felt like being just a walking wallet.
I wasn't the only mzungu in the village, there was another isrealian guy with his tent who also did a PhD in Germany (Kassel). He worked for the army and then he decided to quit. He told me that in Israel there is the war and he was looking for peace, period. |
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