Allink  v0.1
00001 /***********************************************************************
00002 ElPoly:This progam provide a graphical visualisation of the data 
00003 opend by VarData using openGL glut. The most important option are 
00004 the possibility of changing the backfold of the polymers with 'c', 
00005 see the subsequent file in the list with '>', see the bond with 'b'. 
00006 Copyright (C) 2008 by Giovanni Marelli <>
00009 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00012 (at your option) any later version.
00014 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017 GNU General Public License for more details.
00019 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00020 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00021 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00022 ***********************************************************************/
00023 #include "ElPoly.h"
00025 #ifdef __glut_h__
00026 Draw *Dr;
00027 void Figure(){
00028   //Dr->Draw1();
00029   Dr->DFigure();
00030 }
00031 void reshape(int w,int h){
00032   Dr->Dreshape(w,h);
00033 }
00034 void Timer(int v){
00035   Dr->DTimer(v);
00036 }
00037 void MouseMove(int x,int y){
00038   Dr->DMouseMove(x,y);
00039 }
00040 void special(int k, int x, int y){
00041   Dr->Dspecial(k,x,y);
00042 }
00043 int ElPoly::Graphics(int argc,char **argv){
00044   InvScaleUn = 1./pEdge(0);
00045   Dr = new Draw();
00046   for(int d=0;d<3;d++) Dr->Edge[d] = pEdge(d);
00047   Dr->InvScaleUn = InvScaleUn;
00048   Dr->xi = -.4;Dr->yi = -.4;Dr->zi = .0;
00049   Dr->xp = 0.;Dr->yp = 0.;Dr->zp = 0.;
00050   Dr->xa = 0.;Dr->ya = 0.;Dr->za = 0.;  
00051   Vicinanze = 0.;
00052   Saturation = 1.;
00053   // IfColour = 0;
00054   // IfChains = 0;
00055   Quad = 0;
00056   Point = 0;
00057   Cylinder = 0;
00058   MetalCylinder = 0;
00059   Hexagon = 0;
00060   Cube = 0;
00061   DrawOutput = EL_OPENGL;
00062   Cylinder = (GLuint *)calloc(pNNano(),sizeof(GLuint));
00063   sprintf(Block2Draw,"ALL");
00064   Dr->Window(argc,argv);
00065   CreateMenu();
00066   ChooseDraw(cWhat2Draw);
00067   ElMenuChoise(What2Draw);
00068   ElMenuVisual(What2Draw);
00069   for(int n=0;n<pNNano();n++){
00070     Cylinder[n] = Dr->DefCylinder(Nano[n].Rad,Nano[n].Height);
00071   }
00072   //Dr->Picture();exit(0);
00073   glutPostRedisplay();
00074   glutMainLoop();
00075 }
00076 void ElPoly::DrRunTime(){  
00077   //DrSurface();
00078 }
00079 int ElPoly::DrIntorno(int p,double Blue){
00080   double Near = 0.;
00081   double PreChain = 0.;
00082   if(!IfIntorno||pType(p)==2)
00083     Near = 0.;
00084   else if(IfIntorno == 1){
00085     Near = Ch[pChain(p)].Pos[3]*InvScaleUn;
00086     if(PreChain != pChain(p)){
00087     }
00088   }
00089   if(Near > Vicinanze)
00090     return 1;
00091   return 0;
00092 }
00093 void ElPoly::DrBondOpenGl(double *Pos1,double *Pos2,float *Color){
00094   glColor4fv(Color);
00095   glPushMatrix();//Line
00096   glBegin(GL_LINES);
00097   glVertex3d(Pos1[0],Pos1[1],Pos1[2]);
00098   glVertex3d(Pos2[0],Pos2[1],Pos2[2]);
00099   glEnd();
00100   glPopMatrix();//Line
00101 }
00102 void ElPoly::DrBond(int p){
00103   if(!pNLink())return;
00104   double Pos1[3];
00105   double Pos2[3];
00106   for(int l=0;l<Ln[p].NLink;l++){
00107     int link = Ln[p].Link[l];
00108     for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
00109       Pos1[d] = pPos(p,d)*InvScaleUn;
00110       Pos2[d] = pPos(link,d)*InvScaleUn;
00111     }
00112     for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
00113       if(Pos1[d] - Pos2[d] > .5*pEdge(d)*InvScaleUn){
00114    Pos2[d] += pEdge(d)*InvScaleUn;
00115       }
00116       else if(Pos1[d] - Pos2[d] < -.5*pEdge(d)*InvScaleUn){
00117    Pos2[d] -= pEdge(d)*InvScaleUn;
00118       }
00119     }
00120     DrawBond(Pos1,Pos2,ColorType[pType(p)]);
00121   }
00122 }
00123 void ElPoly::DrawFuncHeader(){
00124 #ifdef __glut_h__
00125   if(DrawOutput == EL_OPENGL){
00126     glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00127     //glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
00128     glDeleteLists(Dr->Particles,1);
00129     Dr->Particles = glGenLists(1);
00130     if(pNPart() > 50000) NVisSkip = 2;
00131     else if (pNPart() > 100000) NVisSkip = 4;
00132     for(int n=0;n<pNNano();n++){
00133       glDeleteLists(Cylinder[n],1);
00134       Cylinder[n] = Dr->DefCylinder(Nano[n].Rad,Nano[n].Height);
00135       if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_WALL)){
00136    glDeleteLists(GlWall,1);
00137    GlWall = Dr->DefWall();
00138       }
00139     }
00140     glNewList(Dr->Particles,GL_COMPILE);
00141     glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00142     Draw_Part = &ElPoly::DrPartOpenGl;
00143     Draw_Nano = &ElPoly::DrNanoOpenGl;
00144     if(IfLine) Draw_Bond = &ElPoly::DrBondOpenGl;
00145     else Draw_Bond = &ElPoly::DrBondNo;
00146   }
00147   else if(DrawOutput == EL_POVRAY){
00148 #endif // __glut_h_
00149     Draw_Part = &ElPoly::DrPartPovRay;
00150     Draw_Nano = &ElPoly::DrNanoPovRay;
00151     Draw_Bond = &ElPoly::DrBondPovRay;
00152     HeaderPovRay();
00153     SigErr(DrawOutFile != NULL,"DrawOutFile already allocated, can't use the file");
00154     char FName[60];
00155     sprintf(FName,"PovSnap%05d.pov",pStep());
00156     DrawOutFile = fopen(FName,"w");
00157     int ImSize[2] = {1000,1000};
00158     fprintf(DrawOutFile,"// POV 3.x input script : plot.pov\n// command: povray +W%d +H%d -I%s -O%s.tga +P +X +A +FT +C\n",ImSize[0],ImSize[1],FName,FName);
00159     fprintf(DrawOutFile,"#if (version < 3.5)\n#error \"POV3DisplayDevice has been compiled for POV-Ray 3.5 or above.\\nPlease upgrade POV-Ray.\"\n#end\n");
00160     fprintf(DrawOutFile,"#include \"\"\n");
00161     fprintf(DrawOutFile,"// System \n");
00162 #ifdef __glut_h__
00163   }
00164 #endif // __glut_h_
00165 }
00166 void ElPoly::DrawFuncFooter(){
00167 #ifdef __glut_h__
00168   if(DrawOutput == EL_OPENGL){
00169     glEndList();
00170   }
00171   else if(DrawOutput == EL_POVRAY){
00172 #endif // __glut_h_
00173     fprintf(DrawOutFile,"// End of POV-Ray 3.x generation\n");
00174     fclose(DrawOutFile);
00175 #ifdef __glut_h__
00176   }
00177 #endif // __glut_h_
00178 }
00179 void ElPoly::DrPartOpenGl(int p){
00180   int Typ = pType(p) < 6 ? pType(p) : 5;
00181   //ColorType[Typ][0] = pVel(p,3);
00182   glColor4fv(ColorType[Typ]);
00183   glPushMatrix();//Particle
00184   glBegin(GL_POINTS);
00185   glVertex3f(pPos(p,0)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,1)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,2)*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact);
00186   glEnd();
00187   glPopMatrix();//Particle
00188 }
00189 void ElPoly::DrCrossLinks(char *FileName){
00190   FILE *FRead = fopen(FileName,"r");
00191   if(FRead == NULL) return;
00192   char cLine[STRSIZE];
00193   int c1=0;
00194   int c2=0;
00195   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00196   glColor4f(.5,0.0,.4,1.0);
00197   for(int k=0;!(fgets(cLine,STRSIZE,FRead)==NULL);k++){
00198     fscanf(FRead,"%d %d\n",&c1,&c2);
00199     glPushMatrix();//Line
00200     glBegin(GL_LINES);
00201     glVertex3d(pPos(c1,0)*InvScaleUn,
00202           pPos(c1,1)*InvScaleUn,
00203           pPos(c1,2)*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact);
00204     double Pos[3] = {pPos(c2,0),pPos(c2,1),pPos(c2,2)};
00205     for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
00206       if(pPos(c1,d) - Pos[d] > .5*pEdge(d))
00207    Pos[d] += pEdge(d);
00208       else if(pPos(c1,d) - Pos[d] < -.5*pEdge(d))
00209    Pos[d] -= pEdge(d);
00210     }
00211     glVertex3d(((Pos[0])*InvScaleUn),
00212           ((Pos[1])*InvScaleUn),
00213           ((Pos[2])*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact));
00214     glEnd();
00215     glPopMatrix();//Line
00216   }
00217 }
00218 void ElPoly::DrPartList(){
00219   double Pos1[3];
00220   double Pos2[3];
00221   DrawFuncHeader();
00222   for(int n=0;n<pNNano();n++) DrawNano(n);
00223   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00224   DrCrossLinks("CrossLinks.dat");
00225   for(int b=0,NPep=0,cOff=0,pOff=0;b<pNBlock();cOff+=pNChain(b++)){
00226     if(strcmp(Block2Draw,"ALL")){
00227       if(strcmp(Block[b].Name,Block2Draw) ){
00228    pOff += pNChain(b)*pNPCh(b);
00229    continue;
00230       }
00231     }
00232     if(!strncmp(Block[b].Name,"PEP",3)){
00233       DrProtein(Nano[NPep].ArchFile,b);
00234       NPep++;
00235       continue;
00236     }
00237     for(int p=Block[b].InitIdx;p<Block[b].EndIdx;p++){
00238       int Chc = Ch[pChain(p)].Type;
00239       if(!CHAIN_IF_TYPE(Chc,NChType)) continue;
00240       if(NPType != BEAD_EVERY  && pType(p) != NPType) continue;
00241       // if(Pm[p].CId != 3) continue;
00242       // Dr->Numera(Pm[p].Pos,p);
00243       DrawPart(p);
00244       DrBond(p);
00245     }
00246     // for(int c=cOff;c<cOff+pNChain(b);c+=NVisSkip,pOff+=pNPCh(b)*NVisSkip){
00247     //   for(int p=pOff,link=0;p<MIN(pOff+pNPCh(b),pNPart());p++){
00248     //   int Chc = Ch[pChain(p)].Type;
00249     //   if(!CHAIN_IF_TYPE(Chc,NChType)) continue;
00250     //   DrawPart(p);
00251     //   DrBond(p);
00252     //   }
00253     // }
00254   }
00255   DrawFuncFooter();
00256 }
00257 void ElPoly::DrNanoOpenGl(int n){
00258   if(Dr->IfMaterial){
00259     glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
00260     glEnable( GL_LIGHT0 );
00261   }
00262   else 
00263     glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00264   Point2Shape(Nano[n].Shape);
00265   double Red = fabs(Nano[n].Hamaker)/3.;
00266   double Alpha = 1.;//Nano[n].Hamaker/10.;
00267   GLfloat Color[4] = {Red,.1,.1,Alpha};
00268   glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_AMBIENT,Color); 
00269   glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_DIFFUSE,Color); 
00270   glColor4fv(Color);
00271   if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_NONE)) return;
00272   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_CLUSTER)){
00273     Alpha = .2;
00274     DrProtein(Nano[n].ArchFile,Nano[n].nBlock);
00275     return;
00276   }
00277   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_JANUS)){
00278     // Point2Shape(Nano[n].Shape);
00279     // DrField(64,Nano[n].Rad,n);
00280     // continue;
00281   }
00282   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_PORE)){
00283     PorePos();
00284   }
00285   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_CYL)){
00286     // Point2Shape(Nano[n].Shape);
00287     // DrField(64,SQR(Nano[n].Rad),n);
00288     // continue;
00289   }
00290   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_TIP)){
00291     DrField(32,SQR(Nano[n].Rad),n);
00292     return;
00293   }
00294   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_BOUND)){
00295     DrField(32,SQR(Nano[n].Rad),n);
00296     return;
00297   }
00298   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_TORUS)){
00299     double OldPos[5] = {Nano->Pos[0],Nano->Pos[1],Nano->Pos[2],Nano->Rad,Nano->Height};
00300     //StalkPos(OldPos);
00301     DrField(64,SQR(Nano[n].Rad),n);
00302     return;
00303   }
00304   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_STALK)){
00305     DrField(64,SQR(Nano[n].Rad),n);
00306     return;
00307   }
00308   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_HARM)){
00309     DrField(64,SQR(Nano[n].Rad),n);
00310     return;
00311   }
00312   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_WALL)){
00313     DrField(16,SQR(Nano[n].Rad),n);
00314     return;
00315   }
00316   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_UMBR)){
00317     glPushMatrix();//Nano
00318     glBegin(GL_QUADS);
00319     glNormal3f(0.,0.,-1.);
00320     glVertex3f(0.,0.,Nano[n].Pos[CNorm]*InvScaleUn);
00321     glVertex3f(0.,pEdge(1)*InvScaleUn,Nano[n].Pos[CNorm]*InvScaleUn);
00322     glVertex3f(pEdge(0)*InvScaleUn,pEdge(1)*InvScaleUn,Nano[n].Pos[CNorm]*InvScaleUn);
00323     glVertex3f(pEdge(0)*InvScaleUn,0.,Nano[n].Pos[CNorm]*InvScaleUn);
00324     glEnd();//GL_QUADS
00325     glPopMatrix();//Nano
00326     return;
00327   }
00328   Vettore Ax(Nano[n].Axis[0],Nano[n].Axis[1],Nano[n].Axis[2]);
00329   Vettore Zed(0.,0.,1.);
00330   Vettore Axis(3);
00331   Ax.Normalize();
00332   Axis.VetV(&Zed,&Ax);
00333   double Angle = Zed.Angle(&Ax,&Zed);
00334   //Quadri q(Axis.x,Angle);
00335   //double data[16];
00336   //q.RotMatrix(data,4);
00337   //Matrice M(q,4);
00338   Matrice M(Axis.x,Angle,4);
00339   glPushMatrix();//Nano
00340   glTranslated((pNanoPos(n,0)*InvScaleUn),
00341           (pNanoPos(n,1)*InvScaleUn),
00342           (pNanoPos(n,2)*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact));
00343   glMultMatrixd(;
00344   //glRotatef(Angle*DEG_RAD,Axis.x[0],Axis.x[1],Axis.x[2]);
00345   //glCallList(Cylinder[n]);
00346   if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_SPH)){
00347     glutSolidSphere(Nano[n].Rad*InvScaleUn,20,20);
00348   }
00349   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_EXT)){
00350     glColor4f(Red,.1,.1,.5);
00351     glCallList(Cylinder[n]);
00352   }
00353   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_PORE)){
00354     glColor4f(Red,.1,.1,.5);
00355     glCallList(Cylinder[n]);
00356   }
00357   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_JANUS)){
00358     glCallList(Cylinder[n]);
00359   }
00360   else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_CYL)){
00361     glCallList(Cylinder[n]);
00362   }
00363   else{
00364     glCallList(Cylinder[n]);
00365   }
00366   glPopMatrix();//Nano
00367   return;
00368   Red = fabs(Nano[n].Hamaker)/3.;
00369   if(!VAR_IF_TYPE(Nano[n].Shape,SHAPE_WALL))return;
00370   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00371   // double x = (pNanoPos(n,0) - .5*pEdge(0))*InvScaleUn;
00372   // double y = (pNanoPos(n,1) - .5*pEdge(1))*InvScaleUn;
00373   // double z = (pNanoPos(n,2))*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact;
00374   double x = pNanoPos(n,0)*InvScaleUn;
00375   double y = pNanoPos(n,1)*InvScaleUn;
00376   double z = pNanoPos(n,2)*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact;
00377   //Quadri q(Axis.x,Angle);
00378   //double data[16];
00379   //q.RotMatrix(data,4);
00380   //Matrice M(q,4);
00381   glPushMatrix();//Nano
00382   glTranslated(x,y,z);
00383   glMultMatrixd(;
00384   glCallList(GlWall);
00385   glPopMatrix();//Nano
00386   // glPushMatrix();//Nano
00387   // glTranslated(x,y,z);
00388   // //glCallList(GlWall);
00389   // glPopMatrix();//Nano
00390 }
00391 void ElPoly::DrProtein(const char *ArchFile,int b){
00392   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00393   FILE *Arch = fopen(ArchFile,"r");
00394   if(Arch == NULL) {printf("File %s not present \n",ArchFile);return;}
00395   char cLine[STRSIZE];
00396   double Pos1[3];
00397   double Pos2[3];
00398   double Mid[3];
00399   int l1 = 0;
00400   int l2 = 0;
00401   double Elong = 0.;
00402   double Alpha = 1.;
00403   for(int p=Block[b].InitIdx;fgets(cLine,STRSIZE,Arch);p++){
00404     DrawPart(p);
00405     sscanf(cLine,"%d %d %lf %lf\n",&l1,&l2,&Elong,&Alpha);
00406     l1 += Block[b].InitIdx;
00407     l2 += Block[b].InitIdx;
00408     if(l1 == l2) continue;
00409     for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
00410       Pos1[d] = pPos(l1,d)*InvScaleUn;
00411       Pos2[d] = pPos(l2,d)*InvScaleUn;
00412       Pos2[d] += floor((pPos(l1,d) - pPos(l2,d))*pInvEdge(d)+.5)*pEdge(d)*InvScaleUn;
00413       Mid[d] = .5*(Pos1[d]+Pos2[d]);
00414     }
00415     DrawBond(Pos1,Mid,ColorType[pType(l1)]);
00416     DrawBond(Mid,Pos2,ColorType[pType(l2)]);
00417   }
00418   fclose(Arch);
00419 }
00420 void ElPoly::DrColor(){
00421   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00422   GLuint Cube = Dr->DefCube(NEdge);
00423   glDeleteLists(Dr->Particles,1);
00424   Dr->Particles = glGenLists(1);
00425   glNewList(Dr->Particles,GL_COMPILE);
00426   if(1==0){
00427     glPushMatrix();//RefPoint
00428     double RefPos[3] = {(ShiftPos[0]+.5)*pEdge(0),(ShiftPos[1]+.5)*pEdge(1),(ShiftPos[2]+.5)*pEdge(2)};
00429     glTranslated((RefPos[0]*InvScaleUn),
00430        (RefPos[1]*InvScaleUn),
00431        (RefPos[2]*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact));
00432     glColor4f( .7,.1,.1,1.);
00433     glutSolidSphere(0.1,20,20);
00434     glPopMatrix();//RefPos
00435   }
00436   int NDrawn = 0;
00437   for(int p=0,link=0;p<pNPart();p++){
00438     double Red = pVel(p,0)/pVelMax(0)*Saturation;
00439     if(Red < 0.) Red = -Red;
00440     double Green = pVel(p,1)/pVelMax(1);
00441     double Blue = pVel(p,2)/pVelMax(2);
00442     //if(Red < .3) continue;
00443     double Alpha = 1.;//Pm[p].Vel[3]/pVel(3);
00444     double Add = 1./(double)NEdge/3.;
00445     if(1==0){
00446       if(Green > .1){
00447    glColor4f(0.,Green,0.,Alpha);
00448    glPushMatrix();//Cube
00449    glTranslated(pPos(p,0)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,1)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,2)*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact);
00450    glCallList(Cube);
00451    glPopMatrix();//Cube
00452       }
00453       if(Blue > .1){
00454    glColor4f(0.,0.,Blue,Alpha);
00455    glPushMatrix();//Cube
00456    glTranslated(pPos(p,0)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,1)*InvScaleUn,(pPos(p,2)*InvScaleUn+Add)*ScaleFact);
00457    glCallList(Cube);
00458    glPopMatrix();//Cube
00459       }
00460       if(Red > .1){
00461    glColor4f(Red,0.,0.,Alpha);
00462    glPushMatrix();//Cube
00463    glTranslated(pPos(p,0)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,1)*InvScaleUn,(pPos(p,2)*InvScaleUn+Add*2.)*ScaleFact);
00464    glCallList(Cube);
00465    glPopMatrix();//Cube
00466       }
00467     }
00468     else{
00469       if(Green  + Blue + Red> .01)
00470    {
00471    glColor4f(Red,Green,Blue,Alpha);
00472    glPushMatrix();//Cube
00473    glTranslated(pPos(p,0)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,1)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,2)*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact);
00474    glCallList(Cube);
00475    glPopMatrix();//Cube
00476       }
00477     }
00478   }
00479   glEndList();
00480 }
00481 void ElPoly::DrVectors(){
00482   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00483   glDeleteLists(Dr->Particles,1);
00484   Dr->Particles = glGenLists(1);
00485   glNewList(Dr->Particles,GL_COMPILE);
00486   ShiftRef(BF_CHAIN);
00487   Vettore Freccia(pEdge(0)*InvScaleUn,0.,0.);
00488   Vettore Axis(3);
00489   Vettore ChDir(3);
00490   Vettore ChPos(3);
00491   Vettore Ax0(1,0,0);
00492   Vettore Ax1(0,1,0);
00493   Vettore Ax2(0,0,1);
00494   for(int b=0,c1=0,NPep=0;b<pNBlock();c1+=Block[b++].NChain){
00495    if(strcmp(Block2Draw,"ALL")){
00496       if(strcmp(Block[b].Name,Block2Draw) ) continue;
00497     }
00498     if(!strncmp(Block[b].Name,"PEP",3)){
00499       //DrProtein(Nano[++NPep].ArchFile,b);
00500       continue;
00501     }
00502     //    if(strncmp(Block[b].Name,"TT",2))continue;
00503     for(int c=c1;c<c1+pNChain(b);c++){
00504       if(!CHAIN_IF_TYPE(c,NChType)) continue;
00505       for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
00506    ChDir.Set(Ch[c].Dir[d]*InvScaleUn,d);
00507    ChPos.Set((Ch[c].Pos[d]-Ch[c].Dir[d]*.5)*InvScaleUn,d);
00508       }
00509       double Red   = Ch[c].Angle/M_PI;
00510       double Green = 1.-Red;//Ax2.Angle(&Ax1,&ChDir)/M_PI;
00511       double Blue  = 0.;//sin(Ax0.Angle(&Ax2,&ChDir))-Green;
00512       double Alpha = 1.;
00513       if(Red > 0.35 && Red < .65);
00514       // else Blue = 0.;
00515       else continue;
00516       glColor4f(Red,Green,Blue,Alpha);
00517       glPushMatrix();//Arrow
00518       double Length1 = ChDir.Norm();
00519       double Length2 = Freccia.Norm();
00520       for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
00521    Axis.Set(.5*(ChDir.Val(d)/Length1+Freccia.Val(d)/Length2),d);
00522       }
00523       glTranslated(ChPos.Val(0),ChPos.Val(1),ChPos.Val(2));
00524       glRotatef(180.,Axis.Val(0),Axis.Val(1),Axis.Val(2));
00525       glScaled(Length1/Length2,1.0,1.0);
00526       glNormal3f(ChDir.Val(0),ChDir.Val(1),ChDir.Val(2));
00527       glCallList(Arrow);
00528       glPopMatrix();//Arrow
00529       int p1 = c*pNPCh();
00530       for(int ppc=0;ppc<pNPCh();ppc++){
00531    int p = ppc+p1;
00532    DrawPart(p);
00533    if(IfLine) DrBond(p);
00534       }
00535     }
00536   }
00537   glEndList();
00538 }
00539 void ElPoly::DrVector(Vettore v,Vettore Origin){
00540   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00541   glPushMatrix();//Arrow
00542   Vettore Freccia(pEdge(0)*InvScaleUn,0.,0.);
00543   Vettore Axis(3);
00544   double Length1 = v.Norm();
00545   double Length2 = Freccia.Norm();
00546   for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
00547     Axis.Set(d,.5*(v[d]/Length1 + Freccia[d]/Length2));
00548   }
00549   glTranslated(Origin[0],Origin[1],Origin[2]);
00550   glRotatef(180.,Axis[0],Axis[1],Axis[2]);
00551   glScaled(Length1/Length2,1.0,1.0);
00552   glNormal3f(v[0],v[1],v[2]);
00553   glCallList(Arrow);
00554   glPopMatrix();//Arrow
00555 }
00556 void ElPoly::DrChains(){
00557   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00558   double Values=200.;
00559   glDeleteLists(Dr->Particles,1);
00560   Dr->Particles = glGenLists(1);
00561   glNewList(Dr->Particles,GL_COMPILE);
00562   Folding();
00563   for(int c=0;c<pNChain();c++){
00564     //Numera(Ch[c].Pos,c);
00565     int Chc = Ch[c].Type;
00566     if(!CHAIN_IF_TYPE(Chc,NChType)) continue;
00567     double Red = 0.;
00568     if(CHAIN_IF_TYPE(Chc,CHAIN_UP))
00569       Red = 1.;
00570     double Blue=0.;
00572       Blue =1.;
00573     double Green=.7;
00575       Green =.5;
00576     glPushMatrix();
00577     glTranslatef((GLfloat)(Ch[c].Pos[0]*InvScaleUn),
00578        (GLfloat)(Ch[c].Pos[1]*InvScaleUn),
00579        (GLfloat)(Ch[c].Pos[2]*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact));
00580     glColor4f(Red,Green,Blue,1.);
00581     glCallList(Hexagon);
00582     glPopMatrix();
00583   }
00584   glEndList();
00585   return ;
00586   double Unity= 1./(double)Values*pEdge(0)*InvScaleUn;
00587   double *dDensity;
00588   dDensity = (double *)calloc(Values,sizeof(double));
00589   PairCorrelation(dDensity,Values,1,CHAIN_UP);
00590   double Max=0.;
00591   for(int v=0;v<Values;v++){
00592     if(Max < dDensity[v]){
00593       Max = dDensity[v];
00594     }
00595   }
00596   for(int v=0;v<Values;v++){
00597     dDensity[v] /= Max;
00598   }
00599   for(int v=0;v<Values-1;v++){
00600     glPushMatrix();
00601     glBegin(GL_LINES);
00602     glColor4f(1.,0.,1.,1.);
00603     glVertex3d((Values-v)*Unity,pEdge(1)*InvScaleUn,dDensity[v]);
00604     glVertex3d((Values-(v+1))*Unity,pEdge(1)*InvScaleUn,dDensity[v+1]);
00605     glEnd();
00606     glPopMatrix();
00607   }
00608   glEndList();
00609   free(dDensity);
00610 }
00611 //obsolete?
00612 void ElPoly::DrPosCol(){
00613   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00614   glDeleteLists(Dr->Particles,1);
00615   Dr->Particles = glGenLists(1);
00616   glNewList(Dr->Particles,GL_COMPILE);
00617   glPointSize(3);
00618   glLineWidth(3);
00619   for(int p=0,link=0;p<pNPart();p++){
00620     glColor4f(pVel(p,0)/pVelMax(0),pVel(p,1)/pVelMax(1),pVel(p,2)/pVelMax(2),pVel(p,3)/pVelMax(3));
00621     if(pType(p) == 2){
00622       glPushMatrix();//Particle
00623       glTranslated((pPos(p,0)*InvScaleUn),
00624          (pPos(p,1)*InvScaleUn),
00625          (pPos(p,2)*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact));
00626       glColor4f( 1.,.1,.1,1.);
00627       if(Nano->Shape == SHAPE_CYL)
00628    glCallList(Cylinder[0]);
00629       else 
00630    glutSolidSphere(Nano->Rad*InvScaleUn,20,20);
00631       glPopMatrix();//Particle
00632     }
00633     else{
00634       glPushMatrix();//Particle
00635       glTranslated(pPos(p,0)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,1)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,2)*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact);
00636       glCallList(Cube);
00637       glPopMatrix();//Particle
00638     }
00639   }
00640   glEndList();
00641 }
00642 void ElPoly::DrCrossLinks(){
00643   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00644   glDeleteLists(Dr->Particles,1);
00645   Dr->Particles = glGenLists(1);
00646   glNewList(Dr->Particles,GL_COMPILE);
00647   glPointSize(3);
00648   glLineWidth(3);
00649   for(int p=0,link=0;p<pNPart();p++){
00650     int Chc = Ch[pChain(p)].Type;
00651     if(!CHAIN_IF_TYPE(Chc,NChType) && pType(p)!=2) continue;
00652     int Typ = pType(p) < 6 ? pType(p) : 5;
00653     glColor4fv(ColorType[Typ]);
00654     if(IfLine){
00655      glColor4f(0.0,1.0,0.,1.0);
00656       for(int l=0;l<Ln[p].NLink;l++){
00657    link = Ln[p].Link[l];
00658    double Shift[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
00659    if(link != p+1){ 
00660      glColor4f(1.0,.0,0.,1.0);
00661      for(int d=0;d<3;d++)
00662        Shift[d] = -floor((pPos(p,d)-pPos(link,d))/pEdge(d)+.5)*pEdge(d);
00663    }
00664    else continue;
00665    glPushMatrix();//Line
00666    glBegin(GL_LINES);
00667    glVertex3d((pPos(p,0)*InvScaleUn),
00668          (pPos(p,1)*InvScaleUn),
00669          (pPos(p,2)*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact));
00670    glVertex3d(((pPos(link,0)-Shift[0])*InvScaleUn),
00671          ((pPos(link,1)-Shift[1])*InvScaleUn),
00672          ((pPos(link,2)-Shift[2])*InvScaleUn*ScaleFact));
00673    glEnd();
00674    glPopMatrix();//Line
00675       }
00676     }
00677     glPushMatrix();//Particle
00678     glTranslated(pPos(p,0)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,1)*InvScaleUn,pPos(p,2)*InvScaleUn);
00679     //glutSolidSphere(.007,20,20);
00680     glCallList(Point);
00681     glPopMatrix();//Particle
00682   }
00683   glEndList();
00684 }
00685 void ElPoly::Menu(){
00686   //   submenu = glutCreateMenu(processEvent);
00687   //   glutAddMenuEntry("SottoPrima",3);
00689   //   menu = glutCreateMenu(processEvent);
00690   //   glutAddMenuEntry("Move",1);
00691   //   glutAddMenuEntry("Stop",2);
00692   //   glutAddSubMenu("Altro",submenu);
00693   //   glutAttachMenu(GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON);
00694 }
00695 void ElPoly::ESlide1(void){
00696   //  if(Dr->Step > 100) glutIdleFunc(NULL);
00697   Dr->zw += .1;
00698   Dr->IfInfo = 0;
00699   glutPostRedisplay();
00700   Dr->Step++;
00701   Dr->Picture();
00702   Dr->IfInfo = 1;;
00703   //Dr->Picture();
00704   //glutTimerFunc(30, Timer, 0);
00705 }
00706 void ElPoly::ESlide(void){
00707   Dr->IfInfo = 0;
00708   glutPostRedisplay();
00709   if(quando < NFileTot)
00710     quando++;
00711     //quando += 10;
00712   else{
00713     glutIdleFunc(NULL);
00714   }
00715   OpenFile(quando);
00716   RenderPart();
00717   Dr->Step++;
00718   Dr->Picture();
00719   glutPostRedisplay();
00720   Dr->IfInfo = 1;
00721   //glutTimerFunc(30, Timer, 0);
00722 }
00723 #endif //__glut_h__