Animation | |
BLOCK | Information for every block |
CHAIN | Information of every chain |
CIRCLE | Radius and center of a circle |
DdArray | Domain decomposition using arrays |
DdCell | The array of particles in every cell |
DdDoubleLoop | Stupid double loop to check the other pair loops |
DdFixCell | The array of particles in every cell |
DdFixedSize | Domain decomposition using arrays |
DdLinkedList | Domain decomposition as pointer to linked particles |
DOMAIN_PART | The previuos and consecutive particle in the cell linked list |
DomCell | For every cube how many particles and which are the first and the last |
DomDecBasics | All the general functions shared among the different domain decomposition structures |
DomPart | The previuos and consecutive particle in the cell linked list |
Draw | Draw provides the basic configuration of the openGL libraries used in every derived program |
DrEffect | |
DrFinestra | |
DrScript | |
ElementiGrafici | Contains the function to interacts with the data stored in VarDatFile |
ElPoly | Operates and visualizes the information in the VarData class |
Finestra | Defines a window |
FORCES | Single contribution of the forces |
Forces | This class performs the different steps to solve the equations of motion via molecular dynamics simulation, simple grancanonical simulation in Monte Carlo and solution of 1d differential equations |
Funtore | |
GENERAL | General information of the system |
GRIDCELL | All the vertex in a cell |
ImpostaNBin | Homemade slider |
KFORCES | Prefactors of the forces |
LINKS | Structure with the links of the particles |
Matematica | Implementation of useful algorythms |
MatInt | Energy contribution from the density functional hamiltonian |
Matrice | Matrice computes the algebric operations on matrices |
MOMENTI | Moments of a distribution |
My_face_base< Gt > | |
NANO | Information about the nanoparticle |
NeiVertex | Connects the triangles by vertices |
PARABOLA | Parabolas coefficients |
PART | Information of every particle |
PERMUTE | Indices for the permutation |
Piano | Define a plane |
Properties | Some calculated properties of the system |
QUADRI | Four dimentional vector/quaternion |
Quadri | Quaternion class |
Quaternione | Quaternion operations |
RADICE | Where a root was searched |
RETTA | Linear interpolation |
SingProc | Basics class to start a MPI grid |
SOFT | Information for every soft object |
SpecFuntore< Classe > | |
SPLINE | Coefficient of a spline |
Spline | Coeficients of a N order spline |
TENS | Spatial tensor profile |
VAR_LINE | Define a triangle |
VAR_TRIANGLE | Define a triangle |
VarData | Reads and elaborates a system of chains |
VarDatFile | Reads and stores a data file to be elaborated via Matematica |
Variabili | |
VETT | Three dimentional vector |
Vettore | Geometrical operations on vectors |
XYZ | A Cartesian tern |