Reads and elaborates a system of chains. More...
#include <VarData.h>
Public Types | |
typedef double(VarData::* | NANO_DIST )(double *Pos, int n) |
Data type for distance/field functions. | |
Public Member Functions | |
VarData () | |
Set the constants. | |
~VarData () | |
Destructor. | |
void | VarMessage (const char *s,...) |
If enabled call the function position. | |
bool | Open (char *InFile, int BF) |
Open the. | |
bool | OpenRisk (char *InFile, int BF) |
Opens a file without reallocationg. | |
bool | OpenTrust (char *InFile, int BF) |
Opens a file checking if the information are correct. | |
void | AllocPart () |
Alloc the structures. | |
void | AllocChain () |
Alloc the structures. | |
Properties | SysProperties () |
Calculate some basis properties. | |
void | SysInfo (char *cSystem) |
Print a string with the system information. | |
void | SysDef (char *cSystem) |
Print a string with the system definitions. | |
char * | SysState () |
Calculates fundamental quantities. | |
void | SetCoeff () |
Set the virial coefficients from the known values of density coex... | |
void | SetCoeff (double *v2, double *v3) |
Set and normalize the virial coefficients from the arrays v2 and v3. | |
double | TwoPartDist (int p1, int p2, double *RelDist) |
Return the relative distance between two particles (wrapped) | |
double | TwoPartDist (double *Pos, int p2, double *RelDist) |
Return the relative distance between two particles (wrapped) | |
double | TwoPartDist2 (int p1, int p2, double *RelDist) |
Return the relative distance between two particles (wrapped) | |
double | TwoPartDist2 (double *Pos, int p2, double *RelDist) |
Return the relative distance between two particles (wrapped) | |
int | TwoPartDist (int p1, int p2, double *RelDist, double CutOff) |
Return the relative distance between two particles (wrapped) if the particles are within the cut off. | |
int | TwoPartDist (double *Pos, int p2, double *RelDist, double CutOff) |
Return the relative distance between two particles (wrapped) if the particles are within the cut off. | |
bool | Write (char *OutFile) |
Writes a "system-file" or a "x y z" file". | |
bool | WriteTxvl (char *OutFile) |
Writes a "system-file" or a "x y z" file". | |
bool | WriteXvt (char *OutFile) |
Writes a "system-file" or a "x y z" file". | |
bool | WriteXyz (char *OutFile) |
Writes a "system-file" or a "x y z" file". | |
void | HeaderInteraction (FILE *FileToWrite) |
Header interactions. | |
void | StringNano (char *NString, int n) |
String for the rigid inclusion in the header file. | |
int | HeaderNano (FILE *FileToWrite) |
Write the nano section of the header to the file. | |
int | HeaderSoft (char *Line) |
Header soft. | |
void | WriteLinkedSurf (FILE *FWrite, double *Plot, int NSample, int NType, double *Bound, int *PId) |
Write the positions of the egdes of the rectangles. | |
void | WriteSurf (FILE *F2Write, double **Plot, int NSample, int OffSet) |
Write the particle position as linked edges of squares. | |
void | ShapeId (int iShape, char *Shape) |
Identifier of the shape. | |
bool | BackFold (int How) |
Backfold the particle position. | |
int | BfDefChain () |
Definition of the chain. | |
int | BfEdge () |
Find the box size if missing. | |
void | DistFromNp () |
Define the distance form the nanoparticle. | |
void | ShiftRef (int BackFold) |
Backfold the system wrt the reference position. | |
int | StalkPos (double *OldPos) |
Find the position of the stalk. | |
void | BfPep () |
Backfold the nano described as a cluster of monomers. | |
void | BackBone (double *Line, int NBin) |
Describe the backbone of a filament. | |
void | StalkLineProf (double *Line, int NBin) |
Describe the line for a linear stalk. | |
void | StalkPos2 (double *OldPos, double *CmStalk) |
Find the position of the stalk second method. | |
void | StalkPos3 (double *OldPos, double *CmStalk) |
Find the position of the stalk third method. | |
int | StalkPos4 (double *OldPos, double *CmStalk) |
Find the position of the stalk forth method. | |
double | NormalWeight (VAR_TRIANGLE *Triang, double *Weight, int NGrid, int NTri) |
Weight of the neighblorung normal on a vertex. | |
void | ConnectLineChain (VAR_LINE *Triang, int NGrid, int NTri) |
Connect the lines in a chain. | |
void | ConnectLineChain2 (VAR_LINE *Triang, int NGrid, int NTri) |
Connect the lines in a chain. | |
void | ConnectLineChain3 (VAR_LINE *Triang, int NGrid, int NTri) |
Connect the lines in a chain. | |
double | PorePos () |
Find the position of the pore. | |
int | Fetch (char *str, char *mask, char *fmt,...) |
Retrive from a string the information concerning the mask. | |
int | BraketPos (char *str, char *mask, int *sPos, int *sLen) |
Retrive from a string the position of the brakets. | |
int | Fetch (char *str, char *mask, int NArg, double *Val) |
Retrive from a string the information concerning the mask. | |
bool | ReadString (const char *String, char *cLine, double *Value) |
Copy the value in the. | |
bool | ReadString (const char *String, double *Value, char *line) |
Copy the value in the. | |
bool | ReadString (const char *String, char *cLine, int *Value) |
Copy the value in the. | |
int | ReadVal (char *pLine, double *Value) |
Copy the value in the String to the Value referring to the position of pLine. | |
int | ReadLineXvt (char *cLine, double *Pos, int *Type) |
Read a single line in format Xvt. | |
bool | ReadConf (char *InFile) |
Reads a "configuration file". | |
void | ReadHeader (FILE *FileToRead) |
Reads a header. | |
void | ReadHeaderTxvl (FILE *FileToRead) |
Reads a header for a txvl file format. | |
void | ReadHeaderXvt (FILE *FileToRead) |
Reads a header of xvl file format. | |
int | ReadPart (FILE *FileToRead) |
Reads particle type and position. | |
int | ReadPartTxvl (FILE *FileToRead) |
Reads a type-position-velocity-link file. | |
int | ReadPartXvt (FILE *FileToRead) |
Reads a position-velocity-type file. | |
int | ReadPartXyz (FILE *FileToRead) |
Reads a x y z file. | |
int | ReadPartXyzt (FILE *FileToRead) |
Reads a x y z t file. | |
int | ReadPassThru (FILE *FileToRead) |
Reads the information to alloc the structure. | |
int | ReadSoft (FILE *ConfFile) |
Reads the specifications about the nano. | |
void | ReadNano (FILE *ConfFile, int NCircle, int NHeight) |
Reads the specifications about the hard object. | |
int | NanoString (char *cLine, int n) |
Reads and set the specifics of the nano. | |
void | SubNanoHeader (char *cFile) |
Substitue the nano header. | |
int | ShapeId (char *Shape) |
Identifier of the shape. | |
int | DefSoft (char *nome2, char *ConfF) |
Define and write the system as described in the conf file. | |
int | TrialSys () |
Creates a trial system. | |
bool | CreateSoft (int *arch, double Thickness, int s) |
Creates an initial system. | |
void | CreateTube (int *arch, double Thickness, int s) |
Soft in a tube shape. | |
void | CreatePlanar (int *arch, double Thickness, int s) |
planar membrane | |
void | CreateVesicle (int *arch, double Thickness, int s) |
vesicle | |
void | CreateCoating (int *arch, double Thickness, int s) |
coating around a cylindrical nanoparticle | |
void | CreateObstacle (int *arch, double Thickness, int s) |
Creates obstacles. | |
int | CheckNano (double *Pos, int s) |
No particle inside the nano. | |
void | AddProtein (int NCircle, int NHeight, int nNano, char *filename) |
Defines the nanoparticle as a net of monomers. | |
void | CreateProtein (int nNano, int nStart) |
Defines the nanoparticle as a net of monomers. | |
void | AddStuffing (char *filename, int nStuffing, int nNano) |
Fill the protein with water. | |
void | AddSolvent (char *filename, int nWater) |
Add phantom solvent at the bottom. | |
void | AddChains (char *filename, double Thickness) |
Add homopolymer chains in the bilayer. | |
void | AddCholesterol (char *filename, double Thickness, int s) |
Add cholesterol chains in the bilayer. | |
void | DefBlock (int *NChStep, int How) |
Define four different blocks. | |
void | DefRest (int *arch, int s) |
set the remaining information | |
int | PutPart (int j, int p, int HalfLim, double sigma) |
return the number in the chain of the next particle put | |
void | FindNeighbours (char *FileName) |
Find the couples of most neighbouring chains. | |
void | SwapChain (int c1, int c2, int b) |
Swap two chains. | |
void | SwapChain (int c1, int c2) |
Swap two cahins. | |
void | SwapPart (int p1, int p2) |
Swap two particle. | |
void | ChangeNChain (int NChain, int b) |
Update the new number of chains. | |
bool | ShiftSys (int How) |
Shift the system accordin to the SHIFT_ definitions. | |
void | SampleSurface (double *Plot, int NSample, int Type) |
Define a normal coordinate for every patch. | |
MOMENTI | SampleSurfacePart (double *Plot, int NSample, int Type) |
Define a normal coordinate for every patch. | |
MOMENTI | SampleSurface (Matrice *Plot, int NSample, int Type) |
Define a normal coordinate for every patch. | |
MOMENTI | SampleSurfaceMem (int NSample) |
Allocate and fill PlotMem with the particle average position. | |
void | LoadDensFile (double **Plot, int NBin) |
Load in the array Plot the density of the system. | |
int | SpatialDerivative (Matrice *Surface, Matrice *Resp, SPLINE Weight, int NSample) |
Perform a spatial derivative on a surface. | |
void | ShiftBlock (Vettore *Shift, int b) |
Shift a block wrt to Shift. | |
void | RotateBlock (Vettore *Axis, Vettore *Origin, int b) |
Rotate a block wrt to the Axis from the Origin. | |
void | MirrorBlock (Vettore *Px1, Vettore *Px2, Vettore *Px3, int b) |
Mirror the position wrt to a plane. | |
void | Transform (int block) |
Transform a block. | |
void | Point2Shape (int iShape) |
Point to the shape function. | |
double | NanoDist2 (double *Pos, int n) |
Pointer to a generic function. | |
double | NanoDist2 (double x, double y, double z, int n) |
Distance from the nanoparticle. | |
double | FieldNo (double *Pos, int n) |
No field. | |
double | FieldSphere (double *Pos, int n) |
Scalar field of a sphere. | |
double | FieldElips (double *Pos, int n) |
Scalar field of a elipsoid. | |
double | FieldParab (double *Pos, int n) |
Scalar field of a elipsoid. | |
double | FieldCyl (double *Pos, int n) |
Scalar field of a cylinder. | |
double | FieldTransMem (double *Pos, int n) |
Scalar field of a transmembrane protein. | |
double | FieldJanus (double *Pos, int n) |
Scalar field of a janus peptide. | |
double | FieldTorus (double *Pos, int n) |
Scalar field of a janus peptide. | |
double | FieldTilt (double *Pos, int n) |
Scalar field of a tilted cylinder. | |
double | FieldBound (double *Pos, int n) |
Scalar field of a hard wall at the box edges. | |
double | FieldTiltWall (double *Pos, int n) |
Scalar field of a tilted cylinder. | |
int | PairCorrelation (double *Point, int NSample, int How, int Type) |
1-d pair correlation | |
int | PairCorrelationRound (double **Point, int NSample, int Type) |
Circular 2-d pair correlation. | |
int | PairCorrelationSquare (double **Point, int NSample, int Type) |
2-d pair correlation on a square | |
int | PairCorrelationPep (double **Point, int NSample, int Type) |
2-d pair correlation on a square fererring to the pep position | |
int | Scattering2d (double **Point, int NSample, int Type) |
2-d Scattering | |
int | Scattering2D (double **Point, int NSample, int Type) |
2-d scattering | |
void | Spettro2d (double *Points, int NSample, int Type) |
1-d spectrum of a surface | |
void | Spettro2d (double *Plot, int NSample) |
2-d spectrum of a sirface | |
int | DensityProfile (int coord, int NSample, int NType, double *dDensity) |
Calculate the density profile for the x, y, z, r coordinate. | |
int | Core (double ***Plot, int NSample, double Border[3][2]) |
Sampled three dimentional weighted shape of the system. | |
int | RadDistr (int NSample, double *Plot, double Border[2], int How) |
rzd representation of the system referring to | |
int | Worm (int Partition, int NSample, double *Border, double *dPoint) |
Density profile along a worm like micelle. | |
void | VolumeCircSlab (double *VolContr, int NSample) |
Fill an array of. | |
void | Stalk (int NSample, int NLevel, double **Plot, double Threshold) |
Following the contour of a stalk. | |
int | Arrange (int **Triangle, int Vertex) |
The naerest. | |
int | Folding () |
Boh... | |
int | OrderPos () |
A cell list to be fixed. | |
int | CalcnPos (double *Pos) |
return a univocal index of the chain position | |
int | Neighbour (double *Pos) |
Boh. | |
int | NChainPSquare (double *Plot) |
Distribution of number of chain per patch. | |
int | LateralFluctuation (double *Plot, int LatValue) |
Boh. | |
int | Voronoi () |
Voronoi tassellation. | |
int | PosVectInt (double *Pos) |
Return the integer index with respect to the partition NSquare. | |
int | InterParab (PART *PmIn, PART *PmOut, int NIn, int nOut) |
Discontinous parabolas. | |
int | InterParab2 (PART *PmIn, PART *PmOut, int NIn, int NOut) |
Discontinous parabolas. | |
int | InterCubica (PART *PmIn, PART *PmOut, int NIn, int NOut) |
Discontinous cubic. | |
int | InterForth (PART *PmIn, PART *PmOut, int NIn, int NOut) |
Discontinous forth degree. | |
int | InterSpline3 (PART *PmIn, PART *PmOut, int NIn, int NOut) |
third order spline | |
int | InterSpline4 (PART *PmIn, PART *PmOut, int NIn, int NOut) |
forth order spline | |
int | InterBSpline (PART *PmIn, PART *PmOut, int NIn, int NOut) |
BSpline. | |
int | InterBSpline2D (double **PlIn, double **PmOut, int NIn, int NOut) |
2-d BSpline | |
int | InterBSpline2D (double *PlIn, double *PmOut, int NIn, int NOut) |
2-d BSpline | |
int | InterBSpline1D (double *PlIn, double *PmOut, int NIn, int NOut) |
1-d BSpline | |
int | InterPoly (PART *PmIn, PART *PmOut, int NIn, int nOut) |
NIn-polynomian. | |
int | InterDerMatrix (PART *Pm, int NMass, SPLINE Weight, double Offset) |
Boh. | |
void | SmoothGrid (int NSample, char *FWrite) |
Smooth a grid with BSplines. | |
void | SmoothGrid (int NSample) |
Smooth a grid with BSplines and update the particle positions. | |
void | ConvoluteMatrix (double *Plot, int NGrid, Matrice *Mask, int NDim) |
Convolute a matrix. | |
void | ConvoluteMatrix1 (double *Plot, int NGrid, Matrice *Mask) |
Convolute a matrix 1d. | |
void | ConvoluteMatrix2 (double *Plot, int NGrid, Matrice *Mask) |
Convolute a matrix 2d. | |
void | ConvoluteMatrix3 (double *Plot, int NGrid, Matrice *Mask) |
Convolute a matrix 3d. | |
int | SetNPart (int NewNPart) |
Set and reallocate the number of particles. | |
int | SetNChain (int NewNCh) |
Set and reallocate the number of chains. | |
int | SetNLink (int NewNCh) |
Set and reallocate the number of links. | |
void | SetNPCh (int NewNCh) |
Set and reallocate the number of particles per chains. | |
void | SetNType (int NewNType) |
Set the number of species. | |
int | AllocLinks (int NewNCh) |
(re)allocate the links | |
int | SetNBlock (int Val) |
Set NBlock. | |
int | SetNNano (int Val) |
Set NNano. | |
void | Copy (PART *P1, PART *P2, int NPartOld) |
Copy the part P2 on part P1. | |
void | Copy (CHAIN *C1, CHAIN *C2, int NChainOld) |
Copy the chain C2 on chain C1. | |
VAR_TRIANGLE * | MarchingCubes (double *Plot, int NSample, double IsoLevel, int *NTri) |
Defines the triangles close to the IsoLevel of the 3d density Plot. | |
VAR_LINE * | MarchingSquares (double *Plot, int NSample, double IsoLevel, int *NTri) |
Defines the triangles close to the IsoLevel of the 3d density Plot. | |
void | AreaDistr (double *Distr, double *RadDistr, int NSample) |
Calculate the (temporal/radial) area distribution. | |
double | pTime () |
Total time. | |
double | pDeltat () |
Delta t. | |
double | pTemp () |
Temperature. | |
double | pBeta () |
Beta factor 1/kTB. | |
double | pEnergy (int d) |
Pot, kinetik, free. | |
double | pEdge (int d) |
xyzr edges of the simulation box | |
double | pInvEdge (int d) |
Inverted xyzr edges of the simulation box. | |
double | pVol () |
xyzr edges of the simulation box | |
double | pCm (int d) |
Center of mass of the system. | |
double | pVelMax (int d) |
Maximum velocity. | |
double | pchiN () |
Incompatibility. | |
double | pkappaN () |
Incompressibility. | |
double | pkBen () |
Bending coupling. | |
double | pkSpr () |
Spring coupling. | |
void | SetkBen (double Val) |
Bending coupling. | |
void | SetkSpr (double Val) |
Spring coupling. | |
void | SetSprRest (double Val) |
Rest distance of the harmonic potential. | |
double | pSprRest () |
Rest distance of the harmonic potential. | |
double | prho () |
Density coexistence. | |
double | pReOverCutOff () |
Re/CutOff. | |
double | pWei2Par () |
Parameter of the second order weighting function. | |
double | pWei3Par () |
Parameter of the third order weighting function. | |
int | pStep () |
Number of steps. | |
int | pNPart () |
Number of particle. | |
int | pNChain () |
Number of chain. | |
int | pNChain (int b) |
Number of chain. | |
int | pNPCh () |
Number of particle per chain. | |
int | pNPCh (int c) |
Number of particle per chain. | |
int | pNType () |
# of types of the particle | |
int | pNLink () |
Maximum number of bonds. | |
int | pNNano () |
Number of nanoparticles. | |
int | pNBlock () |
Number of blocks. | |
int | pNAllocP () |
Allocated number of particles. | |
int | pNAllocC () |
Allocated number of chains. | |
void | SetEdge (double Val, int d) |
Set Edge. | |
void | SetCNorm (int d) |
Set Edge. | |
void | SetScaleF (double *Scale) |
Set scale factor. | |
void | SetShiftPos (double *RefPos) |
Set reference pos. | |
void | SetIfNormalize (int If) |
void | SetDeltat (double Val) |
Set DeltaT. | |
void | SetStep (int Val) |
Set Step. | |
void | SetTemp (double Val) |
Set Temperature. | |
void | SetTime (double Val) |
Set Time. | |
void | IncrStep () |
Increment Step. | |
double | pPos (int p, int d) |
Return back folded position. | |
double | pChPos (int p, int d) |
Return back folded position. | |
void | pPos (int p, double *Pos) |
Return back folded position. | |
double * | pPos (int p) |
Print the particle position. | |
double | pPosNoBkf (int p, int d) |
Return the velocity. | |
double | pVel (int p, int d) |
Return the velocity. | |
void | SetPos (int p, double *Pos) |
Set the particle position. | |
void | SetPos (int p, int d, double Pos) |
Set the particle position. | |
void | SetVel (int p, double *Vel) |
Set the particle velocity. | |
void | SetType (int p, int t) |
Set the particle type. | |
int | pType (int p) |
Return the type. | |
int | pChain (int p) |
Return the chain. | |
double | pNanoPos (int n, int d) |
Return back folded nano position. | |
void | SetBkf (int p) |
Set the back folded array for the particle p. | |
void | SetNanoBkf (int n) |
Set the back folded array for the nano n. | |
void | pPos (double *Pos) |
Print a position. | |
Public Attributes | |
Matematica * | Mat |
Implementation of all usefull algorythms. | |
MatInt * | MInt |
Matrix of the prefactor of the interactions. | |
NANO_DIST | Nano_Dist |
Pointer to a distance/field function. | |
char | cWhat2Draw [STRSIZE] |
What to draw. | |
NANO * | Nano |
Extra particle. | |
PART * | Pm |
Particle information of all particle. | |
LINKS * | Ln |
Array of linking between the particles. | |
CHAIN * | Ch |
Information on all chains. | |
SOFT * | Soft |
Soft bodies. | |
BLOCK * | Block |
Information for every block. | |
double * | PlotMem |
Particle position/density on the square lattice. | |
double | ShiftPos [3] |
Reference position. | |
double | ScaleF [3] |
Scale factor. | |
int | NSoft |
Number of soft bodies. | |
int | NPartNearSphere |
Number of particle to be considered in the radial density profile. | |
int | NAddChain |
Additional homopolymer chains into the membrane. | |
int | NAddChol |
Additional cholesterol chains into the membrane. | |
int | NSolvent |
Solvent molecules. | |
int | NStuffing |
Stuffing for the cylinder. | |
int | CNorm |
Normal coordinate. | |
int | CLat1 |
lateral coordinate | |
int | CLat2 |
lateral coordinate | |
int | NChType |
Type of chain selected. | |
int | NPType |
Type of particle selected. | |
int | NEdge |
Number of particles per edge. | |
int | SysType |
Contains the definition of the system. | |
int | SysFormat |
Contains the definition of the file format. | |
int | SysCreate |
Contains the information for the creation. | |
int | IfNormalize |
If normalize the lateral dimensions to one. | |
int | IfPlotMem |
If PlotMem is allocated and filled. |
bool Open | ( | char * | InFile, |
int | BF | ||
) |
Open the.
InFile | and back fold |
Definition at line 105 of file VarData.cpp.
References GENERAL::Edge, GENERAL::NType, ReadHeader(), ReadPart(), ReadPassThru(), ShiftRef(), SysType, and VarMessage().
Referenced by ElPoly::Diff2Files(), Forces::Forces(), ElPoly::OpenFile(), ElPoly::PressTrace(), ElPoly::Prova(), ElPoly::RadNormPos(), Forces::ReOpen(), ElPoly::Shift2Center(), ElPoly::StalkLineProfF(), ElPoly::SumTens(), ElPoly::SurfTens(), and ElPoly::Tens2dCartRad().
void ConnectLineChain | ( | VAR_LINE * | Triang, |
int | NGrid, | ||
int | NTri | ||
) |
Connect the lines in a chain.
Algorithm to connect al the vertices in a single chain, many weird cases are not covered.
Definition at line 981 of file VarDataBackFold.cpp.
References DdLinkedList::AddPart(), CLat1, CLat2, GENERAL::Edge, DdLinkedList::IfCurr(), LINKS::Link, Ln, DdLinkedList::NextCurr(), DomDecBasics::p2Curr, pCm(), pEdge(), Pm, pNPart(), PART::Pos, DdLinkedList::SetCurr(), and SetNPart().
Referenced by ElPoly::IsoLine().
void ConnectLineChain2 | ( | VAR_LINE * | Triang, |
int | NGrid, | ||
int | NTri | ||
) |
Connect the lines in a chain.
Algorithm to connect al the vertices in a single chain, many weird cases are not coverd.
Definition at line 1180 of file VarDataBackFold.cpp.
References NeiVertex::Add(), Ch, PART::CId, CHAIN::EndBead, NeiVertex::IfItCell(), NeiVertex::IncrCurr(), CHAIN::InitBead, LINKS::Link, Ln, LINKS::NLink, CHAIN::NPCh, pEdge(), Pm, pNChain(), pNPart(), NeiVertex::Reorder(), NeiVertex::SetCounters(), SetNChain(), SetNPart(), NeiVertex::TriaCurr(), and VAR_LINE::v.
void ConnectLineChain3 | ( | VAR_LINE * | Triang, |
int | NGrid, | ||
int | NTri | ||
) |
Connect the lines in a chain.
Algorithm to connect al the vertices in a single chain.
Definition at line 1036 of file VarDataBackFold.cpp.
References DdLinkedList::AddPart(), PART::CId, DdLinkedList::Dist2Curr(), GENERAL::Edge, DdLinkedList::IfCurr(), LINKS::Link, Ln, DdLinkedList::NextCurr(), LINKS::NLink, DomDecBasics::p2Curr, pEdge(), Pm, pNPart(), DdLinkedList::SetCurr(), SetNChain(), SetNPart(), and SwapPart().
bool ReadString | ( | const char * | String, |
char * | cLine, | ||
double * | Value | ||
) |
Copy the value in the.
String | to the |
Value |
Definition at line 29 of file VarDataString.cpp.
Referenced by ReadConf().
bool ReadString | ( | const char * | String, |
double * | Value, | ||
char * | line | ||
) |
Copy the value in the.
String | to the |
Value |
Definition at line 77 of file VarDataString.cpp.
bool ReadString | ( | const char * | String, |
char * | cLine, | ||
int * | Value | ||
) |
Copy the value in the.
String | to the |
Value |
int DensityProfile | ( | int | coord, |
int | NSample, | ||
int | NType, | ||
double * | dDensity | ||
) |
Calculate the density profile for the x, y, z, r coordinate.
sum on small patches and shift the wrt the weighted average
Definition at line 24 of file VarDataContour.cpp.
References BfDefChain(), Block, Ch, CLat1, CLat2, CNorm, GENERAL::Edge, BLOCK::EndIdx, GENERAL::NBlock, Pm, and PART::Typ.
int RadDistr | ( | int | NSample, |
double * | Plot, | ||
double | Border[2], | ||
int | How | ||
) |
rzd representation of the system referring to
How |
Definition at line 24 of file VarDataEl.cpp.
void VolumeCircSlab | ( | double * | VolContr, |
int | NSample | ||
) |
Fill an array of.
NSample | values with the volume contribution in a rectangular box |
Definition at line 75 of file VarDataProfile.cpp.
References CLat1, CLat2, CNorm, GENERAL::Edge, and pEdge().
Referenced by ElPoly::AreaDistrF(), ElPoly::BondDistr(), ElPoly::DensProf(), ElPoly::DensProfNormalSlab(), ElPoly::NanoParticle(), ElPoly::PressRadial(), ElPoly::RadDistrF(), ElPoly::SplayDistr(), ElPoly::SurfTens(), and Forces::WriteTens2d().
int Arrange | ( | int ** | Triangle, |
int | Vertex | ||
) |
The naerest.
Vertex | -particle close to every chain |
Definition at line 24 of file VarDataPos.cpp.
References BfDefChain(), Ch, CLat1, CLat2, GENERAL::Edge, GENERAL::NChain, NChType, and CHAIN::Pos.
int InterBSpline2D | ( | double * | PlIn, |
double * | PmOut, | ||
int | NIn, | ||
int | NOut | ||
) |
2-d BSpline
Perform a 2d BSpline interpolation on two square arrays.
Definition at line 424 of file VarDataInterp.cpp.
References Matematica::Blend(), CLat1, GENERAL::Edge, and Mat.
void SmoothGrid | ( | int | NSample | ) |
Smooth a grid with BSplines and update the particle positions.
Call InterBSpline2d to update the particle position;.
Definition at line 401 of file VarDataInterp.cpp.
References InterBSpline2D(), Pm, PART::Pos, and pType().