

Confrontare l'ipotesi con altre culture del pianeta, specialmente quelle culture i cui fondamenti poggiano su un legame di fusione tra l'uomo e la natura.
— Gilles Clément - Manifesto del Terzo paesaggio (Sul rapporto con la cultura)




il lune c'e' BiKe su ResonanceFM ( http://thebikeshow.net/ )



Orecchiette con cavolfiore e acciughe

Fatte le orecchiette preferibilmente con farina tipo 0 di grano tenero il condiento lo si realizza nel seguente modo.

  • 1 piccolo cavolfiore
  • aglio
  • acciughe
  • pane grattugiato

    Si taglia a piccoli pezzi il cavolfiore e li si sbollenta nell'acqua di cottura delle orecchiette mentre a parte si fa imbiondire l'aglio con l'olio di conserva delle acciughe che vengono presto aggiunte e lasciate sciogliere. Qando vengono a galla le orecchiette si versa tutto insieme nella pentola del condimento e lo si fa saltare leggermente a fuoco sostenuto dopo aver aggiunto il pane grattugiato precedentemente tostato.

    Il tutto, nei piatti, viene condito con ulteriore olio extravergine d'oliva e, gradendo, una buona spolverata di peperoncino.


Bike trailer (HowTo#17)

The Bamboo bicycle trailer


A bicycle trailer will allow bikes to tow up to 250kg. Yet people who need a bicycle trailer the most have the least capacity to build or buy one.

Our solution

Our Bamboo bicycle trailer plans allow anyone to build a trailer out of practically anything with hardly any tools for free. The bicycle trailer helps bikes to do a more useful job; from acting as ambulances to carrying food to market. This is Carry Freedom for everyone.


These free plans allow a builder to make a simple bicycle trailer from recycled materials, with pinned joints, and no bending or welding. Whether its made from titanium or bamboo, this is a stiff light bicycle trailer. It can be varied it in width length and strength, and even made to fold.


This non-profit project extends Carry Freedom to everyone. We distribute plans to the 3rd world through charities such as World Bicycle Relief. You can help by building trailer s, suggesting improvements, and spreading the idea to those who need it the most.


PVC Bike trailer

This is fashioned after the bamboo bike trailer, with the addition of a seatpost mount and PVC instead of bamboo. I used the instruction for the wheel mounts, something I need to modify in the future to accomodate heavier loads to relieve axel flex. The PVC is 1" and the trailer bed is 12" wire shelving left over from a home remodel. The wheels are 20" front wheels with bolt-on axel. These are about $24 a piece unless you run a bike shop..hint,hint. The seatpost mount is made by TRAIL-GATOR.com and sells for around $15. My total investment was around $60 for this brand new trailer.

I left the bed flat to acccomodate various uses. We have mounted our dog crate, two plastic crates for groceries, and an athletic bag so far. Maximum load weight tested so far around 50 lbs. The trailer itself is very lightweight.


The wheel attachment is described in the instructions on the following link: NEW Bamboo Trailer Instructions.pdf